How To BUY and STORE Bitcoin

The easiest and completely safest place to buy Bitcoin is Coinbase.

In the US Coinbase does charge a 1.49% fee is you use your bank or 3.99 fee if you use your debit card. I still buy on Coinbase because it’s so easy and the fees are not noticeable compared to how much money you make. Fees vary a bit from country to country.


Dollar-cost averaging” is a simple technique that entails investing a fixed amount of money in the Bitcoin or stocks at regular intervals over a long period of time. On Coinbase you can have a set amount taken out every week or month.

This is a great technique if you don’t want to learn anything else about investing. It’s a good technique even when you know about trading. I just buy Bitcoin when I have extra money. When the price dips, I buy more. Read More about DOLLAR COST AVERAGING here.

With Bitcoin, most of us accumulate and don’t sell ever. Now and then, when the price spikes high, I sell a bit to pay some bills or buy something. Thats called “taking profits” in trading.